April 26, 2010

Alpha Sticker Trick

Let's get right to it, shall we?

On you next layout: use a patterned paper that's given you grief; you know, the sheet that you can't seem to make work for you - use that one!

Ever since I put together my "Tickled Spring" kit, I've been wondering what layout would work for this green paper with scissors on it. I don't sew (although I'd like to try that on my pages), well I haven't for a long while, anyways. Everytime I pulled it out, it didn't seem to work on whatever project I was working on. Even when I started on this layout, with pictures of my cousin and I, I thought I'd eventually give up. When I came up with the title "snippits of me and you," all of a sudden it all worked. Those scissors fit and added character and charm to my page!

This title was a little bit tricky to make work for me. When I first figured out if I had the right amounts of letters to make the words I wanted to, I miscounted on of the U/N's (they're the same in lower case - just flip). I didn't get upset once I looked at the sticker sheet; I saw an H, and just chopped it up a little, using the other U/N as my guide, to make it the same size. (It's the U in "you" that I made.) Also, I was originally planning on stamping the "of" on the layout. When I tried that, it looked really tiny, and un-noticeable. (I covered that up with a second vertical strip of beige paper). I again looked at my sticker sheet, and realized I didn't have a F. Thinking of how ingeneous I had just been, I decided to see if I could create another letter. I though first to use a C as the hook for the top of the F. I then looked at the J, which looked like it would work better. I added the base of a I, and added another arm branch - and voila, a F! You can't even tell, unless you look really closely, but I always tell my secrets! (I've been known to turn a K side ways to make a C and cover up the top with a flower!)

Journalling says: Always, whenever Brittany and I get together, there's crazy photos of us. These are from our spontaneous trip to the big city (we decided Thursday night and went Saturday). We left right after Justin was done worl, spent the night and came home Sunday. Totally worth it - just for these photos!

Keep this trick in mind the next time you start running out of alphas! Don't forget to leave a comment, with a link to your layout using the challenge!


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