November 28, 2010

It's Winter

I guess I kind of forgot to mention that winter and all that is involved with winter (snow, blowing wind, freezing temperatures, wind chill) has been around for a couple weeks now. The weekend before it snowed was absolutely beautiful, with perfect temperatures - then Tuesday came - and bam, it was winter time!

Today we headed out to the farm to move the cows back to a pasture that is closer to the house, making it easier to tractor a bale of hay to them. This is the first time that I've ever helped move them home, normally I only help out in the spring time when it's time for them to move to a pasture that isn't going to be farmed.

I think the cows were all ready to come home, and Brent said there had already been a few that had somehow broke loose, and made the trek home all by themselves. Which made it really simple this time. There weren't any problems, only a few times did a couple cows try to go off in their own direction - but Justin was there on the quad to sheep-dog them back to the right path.

When we got back to the house, we had a nice roast for lunch, stayed for a bit longer, then headed home. We're both SO glad we left when we did; the roads were already getting slick, and coming up the Monarch hill was a bit dicey.
Don't the bales of hay look like Wheeties? Covered in a skiff of icing? They made me giggle when we left the farm!


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