October 1, 2010

10 October Goals

Okay, I must either have completely lost it, or I'm feeling overly creative. Here we go again, another addition - monthly goals (number of goals based on what month it is - to a maximum of twelve). This time I was inspired by Amy Tan. Here goes nothing.

1. Enjoy married life with the best husband! As long as Justin and I aren't sick, I can see us going out for supper this time on the 21st.

2. Pester our photographers for out wedding photos and scrapbook more photos.

3. Go to Calgary to see these two fabulous people! It's been over a month now since I saw them, and that's far too long!

4. Complete and send out about 45 thank-you cards for gifts from the wedding.

5. Scrapbook at least two pages off of my list:
New Years party
100 days
3 months
May Long weekend
branding cattle
Justin's stagJulie's staggette
bridal shower
July Long weekend
street wheelers

6. Deep fry a turkey and invite these crazies over to enjoy it with us:

7. Continue practicing my photography and doing project 13. (Photos 9, 11 and 12 from yesterday.)

8. Plan a trip to get out of town for the weekend just Justin and I (I was thinking just down to Great Falls - but Vegas would be sweet - photos from separate trips in 2008 and 2009).

9. Think up our halloween costumes for Chelsey's party on the 30th. (Photos from Halloween 2008 - we dressed up as Hutterites).

10. Find the memory card with our honeymoon photos on it.


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