We got back from our camping trip yesterday. We stayed out as late as we could, still leaving time in the day to get back to the house and clean it up a bit. It was blissful!
My parents didn't know we bought the trailer, and I convinced them we were going two hours north for the weekend to trailer shop. That plan backfired somewhat. They didn't get to the campsite until 9 o'clock; we got there at about 7! Two hours might not seem like a long time, but when you are as excited as we were, it was painful! When they finally showed up, it was in separate vehicles. Then, my dad unloaded the van which was FULL of camping stuff. We were peeping out the window for, again, what seemed like an eternity, waiting for him to be done. Finally it seemed like he was done, so we ventured out. No sooner had we gotten outside, as he came back out of their trailer. Luckily it was dark, and there were trees between us and him. We crouched down, out of sight. When he went back inside, we husled over. I knocked on their door, "watcha doin?" My dad swore, then closed the door in my face. My mum was confused as to what was happening, and looked out the window to see who was there. Then I opened the door, and we visited for a few minutes. We asked them to get there coats and shoes on, and come look at what we had bought. They were impressed with our trailer, and the deal we were able to get it for. And, it should go without saying, we're pretty proud of our new purchase too. We work hard for what we have.
Now, onto the food! Have you ever had pizza sandwiches out camping? Some people call them bushpies. They're made in little cookers, kind of like a contraption to make a pizza pocket. Every year I wait through the winter for the first taste of them. I swear, sometimes I dream about them! And, like always, it takes a bit (two or three sandwiches) to get the right mix of ingredients; the right proportions of cheese, pizza sauce, onions, and the rest of the fillings. (This time it was salami, ham and mushrooms). Onions are listed on there own - ask anyone who's been around when I've made them, they are astounished at the amount of onions I put in it. I was making a sandwich for Justin last summer, and had to ask my cousin what the "appropriate amount of onions" was!
It was windy, and I'd say between 5 and 10 degrees. We've been before and it's been much colder in previous years. My boss, and numerous people at work think we're crazy to go camping as early as we do (we've gone a few years ago in February). A couple years ago when we went in March, I got stung by a yellow jacket; when I needed to go to the doctor a few days later - the itching was driving me crazy, the doctor just laughed, "I'm sorry, it's hard to believe you got stung by a bee in March!" Honestly, we've had some of the best trips at this time of year.
What a fantastic first camping trip of the year! We can't wait to get out again; this year will be full of camping - gauranteed!
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