Friday night Corey and Nicole came over. We started of sitting downstairs watching Drivers, Drive-Ins and Dives. Then, we sat upstairs for a bit. All of a sudden Corey mentions a craving for a bag of Triple Heat Dorito chips that we bought when we went to
Vegas back in November. I remembered that it was in Shelby that we bought them, on our way to Great Falls to catch the flight the next morning. Corey and Justin got this crazy look in their eyes and said we should drive down to Shelby right then and there; it was about ten o'clock. Justin turned to me to explain and try to convince me what a good idea this was, but I wasn't giving in. He said I was all ready to go, but I said I would want to wear yoga pants since they would be comfier than jeans. Then he mentioned that I could have a corn dog, that made my ears perk up. When Nicole was asked if she wanted to go, she said that she was game, then turned to me and said that I could take pictures. I looked at the three of them, pushed my chair back and said, "I guess I better go change my pants then," and started getting ready.

We left our house, and headed to Corey and Nicole's since they needed to grab their passports. Justin and I were sitting in their car waiting for them, when Justin said that spontaneity was good for my health, and since I never do anything like this, I could use a good dose! When we got to the US border, the gaurd asked what the purpose of our trip was. He couldn't believe his ears when Corey said that we were heading to Shelby to get a bag of Doritos. The bordergaurd looked at him, and said "well, if that doesn't warrent a search, I don't know what does." But after our ordeal with getting searched when we crossed the border on our Vegas trip, none of us are scared to get searched, and I think the gaurd could tell that we had nothing to hide, and it would be a waste of his time, so he let us continue on our journey.

We were in the gas station store for about half an hour, but look at all out loot!

And, although they didn't have the Doritos that Corey wanted, I did get my corn dog, and did take a multitude of photos!
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