Scraps of Life
...our life in scraps of paper, glue, and embellishments...
January 25, 2012
It Was Time For A Change
September 2, 2011
9 September 2011 Goals
June 4, 2011
New And Improved
Here's the before. Right before I got it chopped off.

But the reactions I got at work really made up for my lack of sleep. I only told four people that this was happening (Justin and three people at work). Justin immediately started calling me Bieber, and it turns out I answer to Justin also (people at work starting calling me this too). My boss Mike, said "holy shit," when I walked around the corner into his view. Teresa said my haircut does me justice. Ryan called me a "hot mumma." Stu said it made me look older (which is what I told Justin. I said it looks like I could have children now - but not to get any ideas or start worrying, I'm still not ready). Basically everyone who sees it thinks it suites me so much more. I've yet to show my dad, that's my plan for tonight! I know he's going to love it, and it's truly his opinion that I am the most impatient to hear. Now I'm a girl with short hair, and I love it!
June 1, 2011
6 June 2011 Goals
1. This is the start of Justin's and my first summer as Mr. and Mrs. And I'd like to start being able to remember all the little things. (My "One Second Journal" that is a goal of my "26 Before 27" list is really helping with this too.) I want to take at least one photo each day of June with my phone and edit it (either on my phone or on the computer), and then create a mini album a la Amy Tan to capture it all. My thoughts for the photos are along the lines of the instagram app that the I-Phone has. Okay, this app makes me wish I would have gotten this phone now, and it's a bit upsetting since I love my android, but I really haven't found a similar app for my phone - hopefully soon they'll make one for it. I really have no concept of how this album is going to turn out, and I kind of like it this way; I just want to have fun with it! Here's the cover for my album that I whipped up Monday night.
2. This is part of a much bigger plan in my monthly goals, but the first step in this massive undertaking of a goal is to walk at least twenty minutes each and every day. Really I'd like to plan for half an hour, but I know some days that's just not possible (like when the hockey games will be on). Starting small, working up to a much bigger goal here.
3. Do something to the inside of the house. I'm talking paint a wall, hang up some more art work or photos, pot a plant - something to be able to make it feel more like home. We'll have been living here for two years on the twelveth, and I'm ready to really start making it our own - no more painters beige (or at least not as much of it!). We have a goal to have the house all completed in two years, and we better get at the inside!
4. Something just for me now. I want to do something to feel sexy twice a week. Just to feel lushious, and extravagent. It doesn't need to be much, just something to make me feel this way.
5. Back with the Flylady again. Since re-reading the book back in April, I've been good about only a couple things. I've been cleaning the house weekly, and I make my bed daily. I want to broaden my daily routine, and I'm adding shining my sink daily to my goals for the month.
6. Recently Justin and I haven't been eating as well as we could be. So, I want to eat one fruit and about a cup of vegetables daily. And I'd be ecstatic if I ate more than this amount!
Now for May's updates: 4.5/5 completed to what I see as successful. I bought a new pair of work pants from Reitmans (this style but black with white and purpleish pinstripping) on May 26th; - love them. I spent some time doing some reasearch on what I believe in, I have a New Testament and the Book Of Morman, and Amanda is going to let me borrow some of her religion textbooks from her course - now I just need to read them (this is why I'm only counting this as a half point); and there were many, many calls to my brother discussing and debating beliefs. There were yummy meals ready and waiting in the crockpot when we got home, twice a week like planned; my recipes would be the pork tenderloin in au jus, and the steak stroganoff. Every single day I drank tea; there was however one day out camping that I was just too tired to drink the whole mug, and a couple days that I made a chai latte - this was one of my favorite goals; there is just something about drinking a hot mug of orange pekoe with a couple of scoops of sugar, while it's raining outside. And we had a great time out on that camping trip , the first of the year!
May 31, 2011
Weekend Weather
A couple hours later, I hear this rumbling noise that shook the whole house. Lowie's eyes were big, and I could tell he wondered what was going on. At first I thought the guy accross the alley was working on his car again, but soon realized that it was the thunderstorm that was predicted that was rolling through. It got so dark in the house, and eerie. The thunder was SO incredably loud. I stood out on the front steps for a while with my phone, taking video. The one clap made my phone rattle and bumped it out of the video mode. (I have NO idea how to upload video to the blog, or else I might consider it!)

But as we were driving, we saw all the flooding. The Old Man River is over flowing it's banks (and I'm surprised the campground at the bottom of the coulees hasn't been evacuated), one stretch of it is covering a farmer's feild by Monarch. There was lots of water in the ditches of the roads and the driveway to the farm. When Dalton and I went to pick Heather up from the school (she had been playing a couple games of rugby in Medicine Hat), going back to the farm there was a side road that had water going over it; I imagine it won't be long before a section of it gets washed out. One of Brent's neighbours had a river running through their yard also. And the bad thing is, this is before much of the snow has melted in the mountains and has caused run-off and it's own flood damage.
May 23, 2011
Our Crazy May Long Weekend
I wore shorts, a tank top and a vest out Friday night. First - I hadly ever wear shorts, and secondly - it was so nice when we left the house, that I didn't grab a jacket, and after the bar, when we were outside at about 12:30pm, it wasn't cold enough to need one! The dueling piano's checked off May's task of doing something new; and the only reason we actually ended up there was because Brittany wanted to meet up with Lindsey and Erick, friends that she met while her and Sheldon where in Mexico recently. It was a really fun night! And Justin reminded me the next day, that it was at this bar that we met (when it was Spin) - made me smile that he remembered that!
Sunday we had leftovers (more soup and sandwiches and a bit of left overs from our BBQ). We watched the Vancouver Canucks vs. San Jose Sharks west coast comference game five hockey game, and our house guests headed back home to Calgary.
Later into the evening Justin and I rented five movies (Stone, The Social Network, The Resident, Country Strong and Life As We Know It) and watched them all between Sunday night and Monday. (Life As We Know It ended up to be both of our favorites - and I think I have Justin convinced that "chick flicks" might not be that bad of movies after all.) Monday we went out to by a weed trimmer at Sears with a gift certificate from the wedding. I had a couple thoughts of "Chinese food," and when I mentioned that to Justin he admitted that he had had a thought of that too. We drove all around town trying to find a Chinese restaraunt that was opened - none of them opened up for a couple hours at four though. We decided to just keep on our mission and head home, picking up a bag of cat food at Walmart on our way. Well, they didn't have the right sized bag of Whiskas Meaty Selections. So off we headed to Sobey's. I think at this point the lack of sleep started catching up with us, both of us were a bit snipping with each other. As we walked into Sobey's Justin suggested nachos. That made us both happy, and we gathered up the ingredients to purchase. We both laughed when we got to the pet food ailse and they didn't have the right sized Wiskas bag either. So we settled for a new diet of Indoor Cat formula food. We headed home and enjoyed our home made nachos, salsa and gaucamole, and watched the last of the movies we rented. A perfect relaxing ending to a crazy weekend!