These pictures are from last night (documenting taking our trailer to it's new home). On Monday night we had a couple come look at our travel trailer we're selling. They made us an offer, Justin said he'd get back to them Tuesday morning; we accepted their offer. They didn't have a hitch for their truck, so we thought we'd take the trailer out to them (about half an hour away). Let me tell you, we had a lot to talk about on our drive.
Yesterday at lunch we went to look at some new trailers in town. Our plan if we didn't find something, and the salesmen weren't giving us the time of day, was to simply explain we already had plans to drive two hours north to look at trailers. The first location we actually had to use our line, but the second place was MUCH better. We found a trailer that we loved, got a price and told the salesman that we'd get back to him today.
So, last nights talk was all about if it was a smart decision getting a new trailer, instead of used; getting into one without going to look everywhere; geting one with this layout (we even talked about getting one with bunks - for the future).
This morning, Justin woke me up at 6:50. "Julie are you awake, what do you think of that trailer now?" Yup, I wanted it. At 8 this morning, we were at the dealer bright eyed and bushy tailed (much like Easter bunnies!). We took another look, found a different one that we like much more. Went back, and worked out a deal.
Tonight, we're going camping! In our new trailer. Justin's doing the walk-through right about now, and will be taking it home in about an hour. When I get home (about an hour and half from now) we'll load up the ecentials, and head out to meet my parents camping! Two nights, away from home, in our new trailer. Now that's what I call memories in the making!