After work tonight, I had my last massage at the college. I'm trying to convince Jill to set up her massage table in front of the fireplace at the house, for my much-needed weekly massage. It's been up to twice a week I've been getting them at some points. It truly is a pleasure I enjoy, and will not willingly give up!
I decided to get a little bit more Christmas shopping done after my massage. I called Justin, and he asked me to pick up some dry yeast; I headed over to Superstore and got some sushi for supper and a vitamin water. I looked at prices of a few items also. Then I went to Future Shop, bought a few items and headed home. Once I was home, I was unsure of the purchase I had made; Justin asked what was wrong - but I couldn't tell him. I decided to see if I could find a better deal at Walmart, but I could not. (Have you figured out what I'm doing yet?)

I saw a stack of bills sitting on the counter when I got home from Walmart, and nestled in amungst them was our first Christmas card. This year Cal and Louise sent out a nice family update letter too - and we got a mention in it because of the wedding!

Justin was busy making dough for cinnamon rolls, so I tackled more cards. After making three, my brain was fried and the creative juices were gone (it seems each night I make them, three is the limit - after that it's no fun). When Justin said he'd be staying up for at least an hour in order to make the cinnamon rolls, he asked me to make just one more card. I am glad he suggested that, now I only have a few more to make.
Once the dough was done (he made it in the bread maker), he got to work. Justin's steps to making cinnamon buns: roll out dough, spread cinnamon/sugar/butter mixture on dough, roll dough up, slice into nice sized buns, let buns raise, bake, spread icing and enjoy.