1. Go on a $20 date once a week. I'll plan them, decide what we'll do, and Justin can just go along for the ride! With four weeks, I want to see the different kinds of things we can do and creative I can be for just twenty dollars. (These photos are from March 15, 2008; we went for a drive to see whereabouts we'd be camping in May. Whenever we want to go for a drive, it seems we always head out along Highway 22, and the Porkupine Hills. It all started in 2005 on one of our first dates, and it just so happened it that we were married in that area, just off that highway. While I was looking at old photos on the computer a couple months ago, I realized that I had taken a picture of the ranch sign when we were on this drive - way before we knew it was Brent's brother and sister-in-law that owned the ranch, and way before we seriously started planning our wedding! I still remember my dad, while we were sitting and waiting for the JP, saying that it was the perfect location; he couldn't imagine us getting married anywhere else and I couldn't either. Justin looks so young, and you can really see how much weight he's lost. I really hate my glasses, they just seem too small for my head!)

Now for January's update: 1/1 completed to what I see as successful. I admit, I could have been a lot better,(I kept track of the little bits of extra things I ate, including two that I decided wouldn't count: to celebrate New Years I had a chocolate cup with Kalua just after midnight, two fortune cookies, really small slivery bits of hard candy, bits of oatmeal with brown sugar, one peice of healthy fruit snacks, a box of Del Monte fruit twists, Reese cereal, two large frozen yogurts, sugary peach juice, and a couple glasses of regular pop), but I did way better than I ever thought I could do - it just goes to show what I can actually do (or not eat) when I actually put my mind to it; and a big thanks goes out to Justin for hiding the left-over wedding candy from me - it was the weekends while he was gone that were the hardest on me, and I know I would have indulged if I had known where the candy was!