Justin headed up to High River to work Thursday night. He was supposed to come home Saturday, and when we called me at about the time he should be back, I thought he was just leaving the shop and would be home in a few minutes. When I asked him how he was, he said not so good, the job was running longer than expected from some changes that were made and he wouldn't be coming home until Sunday. We had planned on heading out to the farm Saturday night, and spending the night. But we had to cancel those plans, and didn't think we'd make it out at all, but before Justin left High River, he texted me to see if I still wanted to go - absolutely! So I called up Brent and let him know we'd be out there in a few hours.
We headed out, stopped for gas and were on our way to the farm. Everytime we are there, we seem to be so much more relaxed! It's the wide open spaces, the big sky, the prairies that you can see for miles; and most of the time I get so relaxed I end up having to have a nap, but not this time.
It's calving season. Lily (my cow) is going to calve this year, any time now. Brent is worried abour complications however (she's a heifer, and he's already lost a calf and the cow), which makes me worry too. I don't want to know if she has problems, it will be heartbreaking.
Dispite the snow, it was actually a pretty decent day out temperature wise. In town it was about 10 degrees. And not too much wind, which was kind of surprising!
Don't ask, but to me this is a sexy photo! Yes, rubber boots and jeans mean sex appeal out on the farm! (Especailly when one of my pant legs is rolled up, tucked into the boot and the other is down!)
I could really handle farm life on a permenant basis!