Last Saturday (May 28th), I couldn't take it anymore, I knew it had to be done, it was just time - I felt like my hair was suffocating me; and Justin (gently) prodding me to get it cut was also a big motivator. I planned it out for Thursday night, and the countdown began. I measured, re-measured, discussed and did some research. Making my final decision for my donation to be sent to
the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program, for twelve inches of my hair to be made into a wig for a cancer patient. Those close to me know this was my goal for growing it out, this decision is many years in the making (and is on my 26 Before 27 List - check). I did have long hair years ago (although shorter than it was when I chopped it off), but I couldn't donate it because it had been dyed. I grew out the dye, having my natural hair colour for at least two years, and waited while it grew to an appropriate length. As much as I wanted to have it dyed for our
wedding, and as nice as it would have been to have short hair in
Mexico, I stayed strong, and kept to my goal.
Here's the before. Right before I got it chopped off.

And here's the after. After the chopping and dying (oh my, how I have missed this!).

The hair dresser was really nice, and although I wasn't nervous once I was in her chair, once she had my hair gathered in a ponytail, scissors ready, I was happy that she asked if I was ready for her to make the cut. I smiled and said absolutely. Then Thursday night the nightmares began. Crazy dreams: dreams of not enough hair being cut off (I know it's enough, I measured about 16 times), dreams of me having to grow it out again, but now that my hair is dyed I had to grow that out again. It made me toss and turn most of the night.
But the reactions I got at work really made up for my lack of sleep. I only told four people that this was happening (Justin and three people at work). Justin immediately started calling me
Bieber, and it turns out I answer to Justin also (people at work starting calling me this too). My boss Mike, said "holy shit," when I walked around the corner into his view. Teresa said my haircut does me justice. Ryan called me a "hot mumma." Stu said it made me look older (which is what I told Justin. I said it looks like I could have children now - but not to get any ideas or start worrying, I'm still not ready). Basically everyone who sees it thinks it suites me so much more. I've yet to show my dad, that's my plan for tonight! I know he's going to love it, and it's truly his opinion that I am the most impatient to hear. Now I'm a girl with short hair, and I love it!