Thursday night we went to Boston Pizza (yes we just went there for my birthday), and enjoyed a nice supper out. While there, we discussed what our plans were going to be for the weekend. Justin had to work Saturday so we couldn't plan anything too extravagant. When asked what I wanted to do, I suggested helping my uncle (my dad, my cousins husband and some of his friends) with re-shingling the roof of his house. Justin figured they'd be done by the time he'd get home from work Saturday.
Somehow the topic of visiting my cousin (and Maid of Honor) Brittany came up; her and her boyfriend Sheldon live about two hours away. We've been meaning to get to see them and their condo for some time now (she/they've come down numerous times for wedding planning). We texted both of them to see what their plans for Saturday night were. They were having some friends over, but we were more than welcome to go.
Now, this is very "untypical" Justin behaviour. He NEVER wants to go away for just one night; always thinks it's a waste. I couldn't believe him when he wanted to go Saturday night, and come back home around noon on Sunday. I suppose he wanted to see them, their place and get out of town just bad enough.
I pulled the suitcase out, put it on the bed to start packing my clothes, and our cat Lowie decided he wanted to nap in it. He knew something was up, and wasn't happy about it!
Thankfully Justin got done work an hour earlier than he thought, and we were able to get going an hour sooner than we originally planned. My Brittany couldn't believe we got to their place as early as we did, and was pretty happy!
It is unbelievable how much Brittany is like her mum! She had so many snackies (as our family calls them) out on the table, and more warming up in the oven. Let's just say we were well fed! There was our tour, which always involves a "toast to [insert rooms name here]" with a cocktail!
This is the only drink we've been able to "float" (having one liquid be ontop of the other) - and it was not planned. I was so atonished when Brittany brought me this, I had to take a picture.

Our crazy photo session from the kitchen. This was getting pretty late into the night.

After their friends left, Sheldon and I danced by the speakers.

Some were hurting Sunday morning:

It's kind of weird to stay at someone's place, when it takes you back in time. Although Justin and I never had an appartment, he did live in a duplex. Being in a small home, with little amounts of furniture - because they're just starting out - is how our lives were. Now, we have a beautiful new house; this took us back to another time. Here's some photos of stuff that I loved.

It was nice to get away for the night, but let me tell you, it was sure nice coming home. Leaving the big city, feeling safer, having more space and less traffic. We've been talking lots lately about never wanting to move from our city. It's got everything we need, why would we want to; this trip just solidified those thoughts.