Every single time I go bowling my left hip starts hurting. Normally it's after the first game, but this time it started after the first couple times I bowled. It's really all I could think about each time I bowled, and it was making me upset! Both the parents (both Josh and Chelsey's) and the boys were doing a lot better than we were doing; I point blank said that no offense to the parents, but obviously they are older, and have had more time to hone their bowling skills, and the boys can just plain and simple throw harder than us girls! The first game my score was 40; Kayla (Josh's cousin) was very excited that she beat me - she got 47.
I was either always bowling beside Justin, or beside Lincoln. When Justin bowled at the same time as I did, he bet me five bucks that I couldn't knock down more balls than he could. I'm pretty sure I owe him about twenty dollars - but it comes out of his account too, so we'll call it good!

There were only two different ball colour choices (this is something I really miss about ten-pin), either a A&W/black swirled ball or a white/pink/teal/black swirled ball. I only wanted to bowl with the pretty one, but when I was up against Lincoln, he tried to steal them as they came back down the lane in the ball return shoot thing. I got smart at one point, and tried to get it first, but it still slipped past my hands - it was coming towards me at a very rapid speed!
A couple frames into our second game (after Chelsey had gone to ask if they could put the bumbers up for us - and subsequently being told that we are adults, and we could break them), Chelsey suggested I start granny bowling; you know, bending over and tossing the ball from between your legs.

I was either always bowling beside Justin, or beside Lincoln. When Justin bowled at the same time as I did, he bet me five bucks that I couldn't knock down more balls than he could. I'm pretty sure I owe him about twenty dollars - but it comes out of his account too, so we'll call it good!
The first time I tried this new method, I got a spare. The second time I got a strike! WHAT? Seriously, is this how I'm actually good at bowling? It was so funny, I got three strikes in a row. And my score for the second games was 208!

Such a fun night - and something different. I've been begging Justin to go bowling with me for five and a half years, and I finally got to. Hopefully I can get him to go again, maybe for a $20 date night!?