This morning I was pretty lazy while I should have been getting Justin's Twelve Days Of Christmas gift stratigically placed. At what I believe to be the last minute, I jumped out of bed to place it someplace. When I saw his phone on the counter, I tucked it under it and waited for him to spot it. I've decided I want to see his reactions to the presents now, and stick around waiting for him to see them and open them. (I am just now wondering how presents eight and nine are going to go since Justin will be away, working out of town. Going to have to give this one some thought overnight.)

Ever since Monday, after staying up listening to Justin being sick, I haven't put much effort into myself. Yesterday was the first day I'd worn makeup (in five days), and my manager at work quizzed me as to my makeup wearabouts. It all started Saturday for my Christmas party when we were running late - I through it all into my purse, to put on while Justin drove. When we were getting ready to leave the party, I suddenly realized I forgot to put it on. Since it was in my purse and not in the bathroom, I didn't have it close at hand Monday morning, and was running out of time anyways. And I value sleep over my appearance any day, but even more so when I didn't get a good rest. Today I wore makeup and did my hair - I should get a treat! Mike this morning thought Justin must have noticed the past few days, and complained about my lack of effort; yea right - he knows better than to do that. I did feel more complete, and better today though; glad my efforts weren't in vain!

I had been talking about a sweater of my mum's to her last week. I have the exact same on in red, and have been really wanting a teal one, but since we bought them last year it's kind of impossible. When she picked me up for shopping on Saturday, she brought the sweater over for me to try on. That's right, my mum and I can share clothes now. I never, ever thought I'd ever see the day that a) she would be relatively my size and 2) thought she'd wear something I actually like, and would want to wear. (Ignore my alphas to numeros - it's a joke I have with Sheldon). Now that both of those have happened, she said we can share this sweater. Hrrrmmm... let's see here, does sharing mean that it's life will now be spent at my house, with me wearing it? I love this sweater in this colour, and really wish I had bought this one instead of the red one originally. Another teal item in my closet, sorry mum, it's camoflauged in there amoungst all my other teal items!