We enjoyed the normal gossip talk, the drinks and our food. I forgot my camera, and besides it didn't have a memory card, so Chelsey took the pictures (thanks for bringing me that disk!).
As were we walking to the bar, I spotted a puddle. Not one to back down from the challenge the puddle presented, I got ready to run and jump over it. As I was almost at the jumping point, Chelsey yelled at me to stop so she could get her camera ready; I put on the breaks and got ready for her. She was ready, so I gave it a go. I was worried at the last minute that the edge of the puddle was going to be slippery, and I'd crash, fall and end up all muddy. My mum and my Grandpa would just think "typical Julie, she still can't be near mud/puddle/water without getting dirty/wet!" I managed to make it accross, and this guy that was walking towards us congratulated me. When we left the bar, I didn't want to chance my luck, and walked around the puddle!
Bos Hogs was really dead, there were lots of empty tables, so we sat down. Chelsey yawned, nobody said it, but I think we were all ready to go home to bed. I had thought about going to Essie's, but didn't bring it up. The next thing I know, Amanda suggested we go someplace else. So, I was in charge of that decision, and decided we ditch Bos Hogs and head over to Essie's.
When we got there we were sitting at a table, not knowing if we wanted to stay or not. I made Chelsey be in charge of that decision, and we headed up to get a couple drinks. After a little bit, weird people started showing up. There were girls decked out to the nines, looking like prom queens; a guy in tight spandex shorts, and a blonde curly wig; and this guy that was just totally doing his own thing, was immitating the waitress, and just acting unusual. While I was looking around at the people in the bar, when all of a sudden I got a strange look on my face. Amanda and Chelsey both wondered what was going on, and I said that I think we're getting too old to head out to the bar for girls nights; when the people at the bar scare you - you know you're not meant to be threre. We finished our drinks, and headed home.
It was decided that next time we're ready for a girls night, we'll have a sleep-over at somebody's house. That way nobody has to drive, we can be in our pajamas, eat junk food, watch girly movies and hang out with normal people!