We finally got to meet Princess Stevie. She is seriously SO cute! It made me want my own, very badly (I know we have some goals we want to accomplish before this step happens though)! She is just so soft, warm and cuddly. I made Justin hold her, and he seemed quite comfortable, not scared or nervous like I kind of expected him to be like. Lately, he's been mentioning little things that make me know having children is one of his next priorities. Brings a smile to my face.
We got Stevie a little gift: a fuscia Carhartt jumper, white shirt, pink Carhartt baseball cap, and little booties that are sheep skin lined. We know she won't get much use out of them (living in Australia and all), but they're just too cute to pass up! Justin picked out everything completely on his own. When he picked me up at work, he was so delighted about his find. I told him I knew he was going to be a good daddy, and this just cinched that thought! I made a cute little card with a hippo on it, that matched the fuchia of the dress perfectly - and we hadn't talked about what either of us had done.
I can't wait to become a mum, and see how Justin takes to his role as a dad. I know that when the time is right, in a couple years, that it will be perfect. Until then, I'm happy just seeing tiny babies, and getting to visit with my little cousins!