Since I packed up present eight for Justin in his duffle bag, he opened it this morning in his hotel room in High River. This is the first time that he's had a room to himself, and I can tell it is making him more relaxed. I talked to him twice on the phone tonight, instead of the one usual time. It's nicer that he has privacy, and doesn't have to worry about keeping anyone up by talking on the phone. He's back home tomorrow, and I'm really excited about having him back home. I have a task for him that we need to get done that I can't wait for.

Remember our wedding vows? More specifically the vows that I said? Mine included me learning to fill the windsheild washer fluid tank on the Blazer, something that I know I can do (I am afterall a Journeyman Parts Technician!), but have never had the desire or urge to do; why do a "man" job when I can just bat my eyelashes and have someone else do it for me? My left rear tire on the Blazer has a slow leak in it (going to get it fixed soon), and with the cold weather I've been really worried about it again. I made the trip to work this morning to get the air pressure checked. I decided it would be smart to fill the washer fluid tank while the car was in the shop, so I did that. Then I remembered that my coolant hose has a leak in it too (again, I'll get this fixed soon), so I checked the reservoir. It was done a long ways, so I ordered some DexCool and had it delivered. I admit, I didn't fill that tank, and got one of the guys to do it for me! I can't let on I know too much, after all!

While I was driving home, I wondered what my parents were up to. It seems we've made quite the tradition lately of going for lunch while Justin's working. When I called they were already on the other side of town, back at home. Apparently my dad had thought early this morning about us all going out for lucn and was surprised it had taken me that long to call them to get together. We went to Original Joe's which is really close to our house. Everything that I've ever eaten there is amazing, and it they didn't let me down today either. Trying to counteract my two suppers, I just had soup and a ceasar salad (this is the third ceasar salad that I've eaten in as many days - I've really been craving them lately).

After lunch my parents dropped off their big soup pot, and I quickly got ready to go skating. Now, I have gone secretively once, two weeks ago (one week after my first which caused me the foot pain), which went off without any problems because I took it easy and took precautions; I wore thin socks and put bandages on my feet where the top of the boot rubs them raw. I didn't take it quite as easy this time, and got in a good workout. I'm pretty sore now actually (not my feet though).

Wanting to keep up my healthier eating and exercise, on the way home from the rink I stopped to get a chicken pita for supper; my only supper of the night!

Nicole came over shortly after I arrived home, and we went to work on the invitations. She had come over once before, and we cut up piles and piles of paper. Since the bridal parties clothing is now officially picked out, she had stopped to get some gold vellum and some light aqua cardstock. She had a different idea for the invites, with these new colours. I got to work making the changes for our template, and we decided we liked this new version so much more; it seemed like something was missing previously. Since she had moved a lot of stuff out of her salon, and was feeling the same as me with my lack of energy after my skating workout. It seemed like we worked SO hard, but somehow only managed to get 18 invites 90% completed (we need to attach the journalling block before they can be completed). She wants them in the mail by January fifteenth, so we better kick it into high gear!