I was still planning on keeping up with my plan, you know - the one I've been keeping secret?! I put twelve in his wallet just in case he managed enough strength to go get something from the store. (If you haven't figured it out yet - I'm doing the 12 Days of Christmas for Justin. Small, well some not-so-small gifts for each day counting down until the big day!)

I had decided in the morning, before I left the house, that I'd come home at lunch to check on Justin. I was going to stop at Sobey's to get him some gaterade, and he wanted raspberry gingerale and robaxacet. Then he called and left a message wanting raspberry jam and bread. While I was on my way to the store, I passed Booster Juice and thought I'd surprise him - it should be something his stomach will tolerate. He called while I was parking; when he asked if I was at Sobey's, I answered that I was just getting him a little something to brighten his spirits. I brought in the groceries first, then went back to get the Booster Juices from the Blazer. Justin said he figured thats what I was getting him, either that or McDonald's cheeseburger. Yeah, he's starting to catch on to my sneaky ways!
Since Justin still wasn't up for eating when I was leaving work, I went to Superstore to get some sushi for myself for supper. I passed by Shopper's Drug Mart on my way to see how long the line-up was for stamps for the Christmas cards. I've never seen so many cars in the parking lot, and decided to go to the postoffice in Sobey's and hope for a short line. When I got to Superstore, I phoned Justin, and he wanted some peptol bismol. When I got to Sobey's there wasn't very many vehicles in the lot, and I was the third person in line. While I was there Justin called me, and asked where I was at. It sounded like he wanted something to eat, and I finally got McDonald's as his answer. I asked if he wanted chicken nuggets with his two cheeseburgers, but immediately said no (he thinks this sickness all started while he was slicing the chicken up that we had last night), and he's not sure when he'll be able to eat chicken again.

While we ate supper, we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (I watched it by myself in November already I had wanted to see it so badly). I started falling asleep on the couch, while watching the movie at about nine, and started getting up; Justin asked if I was headed to bed, and said he was on his way. Another day has passed, we're closer to Christmas, and we still have not decorated our tree. Maybe tomorrow, depending on how we feel.