Nicole's aunt Sandra had called me a couple weeks ago to invite me to the shower. She gave me instructions to get to Grandma Betsy's house, and I diligently wrote it all down. For the life of me I couldn't find that paper! Every peice of paper that I come home with the past few weeks magically disappears (I know Justin's not throwing them out, it just seems I'm a bit scatterbrained lately and forget where I put things). I had to text Nicole earlier today and get directions, and make sure I knew what time it started at. I was a bit rushed, knowing that I didn't have time to go home, eat supper, wrap the presents (don't judge me!), and make it over to the other side of town. So after work, I headed in the direction of the party, and did all my stuff on that side of town.
I went to Edo since it seemed like a healthy choice, and was close to the dollar store to buy my wrapping paper. I asked for my food to go, just in case I couldn't eat it all (this is something I do all the time lately), and of course I got a tuna roll to go with my teryaki chicken! This is the first time
ever that I have eaten somewhere (other than my vehicle and home) by myself, and it was kind of liberating! There was an older lady eating by herself on the other side of the restaurant while reading a book; it's funny how technology has changed, since I was on my cell Facebooking!Justin phoned while I was was there, we talked about random stuff for a bit, then he asked where I was. When I said eating supper at Edo, immediately he asked if I was alone, and found it odd for me to be doing this. (I did take this photo with my phone, didn't want strangers thinking I was weird: she's eating alone, and she took a photo of her meal!)

I then went to the dollar store to by the gift bags and tissue paper. I brought my card in, since I wanted it to match the bags, and had a hard time picking some out that I liked. I finally found some gold ones that I thought at least matched her colours (gold, orange, teal/aqua, black, and a sandy beige). When I got out to the Blazer to wrap it all up, two of my boxes were too wide, and didn't fit. Back into the store I went. I picked up another couple bags that were the same gold pattern, and thought I was set. Those same two boxes were still to wide for these new gift bags. Then I thought about wrapping them up with the tissue paper that I had. Back into the store to buy some tape. I told the guy at the till I hoped this would be the last time I was in! My gifts were wrapped, but not looking so pretty, but in one of my trips into the store I had bought some pretty bows - I slapped them onto the boxes, and called it good.
I got lost getting to Grandma Betsy's house, and had to make an emergency call to Nicole to help me out. She stood outside, guided my way, and waited for me to get there. As I was walking up to the house, with two boxes and a bag in my arms, I told her that I was blamming the wrapping job on Justin if anyone asked! As we were walking down the stairs into the basement, Nicole said Amanda was surprised that I hadn't asked for a ride. What? Amanda's here!? I didn't know she was coming, or I would have asked her for a ride!
I coined myself the "Brittany paparazzi," and got on picture taking duty. (Thank you Britt and Chels for all the pictures I have from my bridal shower!) Can you guess which of the presents is mine?

Sandra got the party going, saying that it was just a relaxed, low-key bridal shower with no games - just food, wine, and watching Nicole open the gifts. We did introductions as to how we know Nicole, then Linda (Nicole's mum) told us a bit about her as a baby (Grandma Betsey brought out a photo album). A couple aunts and some friends told cute stories. Then it was on to opening presents.

Megan (Nicole's sister and maid of honor) was supposed to be on duty of writing down who-brought-what-gift, but when Nicole started opening gifts, and Megan wasn't around, I reached for the book and got on it! Somehow I thought I was going to end up with this job.

And here is my lovely gift! (I do think that the bows hide a little bit of the nastiness of my tissue-paper wrap job!)

Nicole mentioned that Megan (and a few of their cousins) had wanted to go out afterwards. I got home, brushed my teeth, sprayed myself with a bit of my cologne, charged my phone for five minutes, and was out the door heading to Bos Hogs. I drove myself, I figured when I was ready to go, I didn't need to wait for anyone to get a ride home. I wasn't in a drinking mood, and wasn't up for much partying, and it tured out Nicole wasn't either. I remember she looked at her watch, said to me that we had been there for half an hour, it was time to find a way to sneak off. Which we managed to about twenty minutes later. We need to save ourselves for White Fish, which is just a couple weeks away, then off to Mexico three weeks later, then the reception will be two weeks after we get back. These couple months are going to go by fast, hope my camera can keep up!