I didn't take the same way home as I did this morning when I went to work, so it may have been like this earlier, but there was an enourmous amount of water in the ditches and partially covering some roads.
April 29, 2010
More From Our Wet & Rainy Day
I didn't take the same way home as I did this morning when I went to work, so it may have been like this earlier, but there was an enourmous amount of water in the ditches and partially covering some roads.
This Is Just The Beginning
Our poor mud pit yard in front of our house.
The snow on the back of the Blazer was mostly slush thankfully. Temperatures are about 1 degree, thankfully it isn't colder, or else this would have been rock hard.
I've only recetly noticed how nice an green the grass is. And, while driving this morning, I noticed the trees have that "green glow" to them and are starting to bud out.
All day yesterday was rainy. I'm not sure the ground can absorb any more moisture.
My Olympic mittens are keeping me warm and happy. It's funny, on the day of the closing ceremonies (and more importantly the gold medal mens hockey game), February 28, we had the patio door open (screen closed so Lowie wouldn't escape) and the weather was beautiful! Yes, we've kyboshed our plans of going camping this weekend; we'll do that another time, when we have warm weather again!
April 26, 2010
Alpha Sticker Trick
On you next layout: use a patterned paper that's given you grief; you know, the sheet that you can't seem to make work for you - use that one!
Ever since I put together my "Tickled Spring" kit, I've been wondering what layout would work for this green paper with scissors on it. I don't sew (although I'd like to try that on my pages), well I haven't for a long while, anyways. Everytime I pulled it out, it didn't seem to work on whatever project I was working on. Even when I started on this layout, with pictures of my cousin and I, I thought I'd eventually give up. When I came up with the title "snippits of me and you," all of a sudden it all worked. Those scissors fit and added character and charm to my page!
This title was a little bit tricky to make work for me. When I first figured out if I had the right amounts of letters to make the words I wanted to, I miscounted on of the U/N's (they're the same in lower case - just flip). I didn't get upset once I looked at the sticker sheet; I saw an H, and just chopped it up a little, using the other U/N as my guide, to make it the same size. (It's the U in "you" that I made.) Also, I was originally planning on stamping the "of" on the layout. When I tried that, it looked really tiny, and un-noticeable. (I covered that up with a second vertical strip of beige paper). I again looked at my sticker sheet, and realized I didn't have a F. Thinking of how ingeneous I had just been, I decided to see if I could create another letter. I though first to use a C as the hook for the top of the F. I then looked at the J, which looked like it would work better. I added the base of a I, and added another arm branch - and voila, a F! You can't even tell, unless you look really closely, but I always tell my secrets! (I've been known to turn a K side ways to make a C and cover up the top with a flower!)
Journalling says: Always, whenever Brittany and I get together, there's crazy photos of us. These are from our spontaneous trip to the big city (we decided Thursday night and went Saturday). We left right after Justin was done worl, spent the night and came home Sunday. Totally worth it - just for these photos!
Keep this trick in mind the next time you start running out of alphas! Don't forget to leave a comment, with a link to your layout using the challenge!
April 25, 2010
Hearts, Flowers and Pearls Oh My!
I had a brilliant idea last year: to take a self portrait of Justin and I every Friday from August 21 2009 until the same date in 2010 - our wedding. It got to be a bit overbearing, so we stopped that (I try not to be upset that this didn't work out). Then, when the six month mark came around, I decided once a month wouldn't be so bad; so every month, on the 21st I'm determined to take a photo of the two of us. Last Wednesday, I was at my desk at work when I realized it was only four months until our wedding. I got a little bit emotional, and cried a tear or two; I can't believe how fast it's come, and how soon that day will be here. Late that night, I remembered to take the picture, so there we were, sitting in bed talking about how our day had been. Click!
This layout is a pretty girly one (the flowers, the pearls used as bullet points in my journalling, the stamped embossed doily); the colours add to that "relaxed" vibe I was going for. I new making the photo black and white would allow me to use whatever colours I wanted (the top I was wearing is a very bright pink); this way the paper colours didn't compete with the photo colours.
What have you been working on this weekend?
April 23, 2010
Twice The Story
Just goes to show, sometimes you just need to have another look at your stash, and see it in a different way. Also, it was pretty weird to be scrapbooking a page about snow, when it was about 25 degrees outside. I finished this layout on Tuesday, less than a week since that snow day, and it was beautiful out!
April 20, 2010
Today Marks The Beginning
During one of my trips out, I picked up a delicious (although not healthy) supper from 7 Eleven of potatoe wedges, chicken strips, chicken wings and chicken on a stick.
I had only 27 cents after all was said and done tonight from the twenty dollars. I'll count that as a successful date!
April 19, 2010
I was laying down in bed, ready to start shutting my brain down for the night (lately it seems this is a process), when I realized I still needed to get the Monday Challenge blogged. So, here I am.
On your next layout: use at least eight photos on a single layout.
I wasn't able to get all three of the layouts scrapped that I had as a goal for this weekend. I only managed two. (Other one here). This layout uses almost in entirity all new products (the rubons and yellow rick rack are the only exceptions), which I bought Friday night when Justin was working late. I had thought "use three new products" would make for a great challenge, but while making the layout, my challenge continuously was how to get so many photos on one page. I was thinking about omitting a couple photos, but really wanted to use them all; they all added to the story. Finally when I came back to the page for about the third time I figured out something I liked, incorporating all pictures.
Journalling says: Some thought we were a bit crazy, but we'd been waiting all winter to get out at it again. Being in our new trailer (that we picked up that day) made it even better!
Be sure to leave a comment, with a link to your page using the challenge. For now, goodnight!
Our Weekend Spontaneity
Somehow the topic of visiting my cousin (and Maid of Honor) Brittany came up; her and her boyfriend Sheldon live about two hours away. We've been meaning to get to see them and their condo for some time now (she/they've come down numerous times for wedding planning). We texted both of them to see what their plans for Saturday night were. They were having some friends over, but we were more than welcome to go.
Now, this is very "untypical" Justin behaviour. He NEVER wants to go away for just one night; always thinks it's a waste. I couldn't believe him when he wanted to go Saturday night, and come back home around noon on Sunday. I suppose he wanted to see them, their place and get out of town just bad enough.
I pulled the suitcase out, put it on the bed to start packing my clothes, and our cat Lowie decided he wanted to nap in it. He knew something was up, and wasn't happy about it!
It is unbelievable how much Brittany is like her mum! She had so many snackies (as our family calls them) out on the table, and more warming up in the oven. Let's just say we were well fed! There was our tour, which always involves a "toast to [insert rooms name here]" with a cocktail!
This is the only drink we've been able to "float" (having one liquid be ontop of the other) - and it was not planned. I was so atonished when Brittany brought me this, I had to take a picture.
Our crazy photo session from the kitchen. This was getting pretty late into the night.
After their friends left, Sheldon and I danced by the speakers.
Some were hurting Sunday morning:
It's kind of weird to stay at someone's place, when it takes you back in time. Although Justin and I never had an appartment, he did live in a duplex. Being in a small home, with little amounts of furniture - because they're just starting out - is how our lives were. Now, we have a beautiful new house; this took us back to another time. Here's some photos of stuff that I loved.
It was nice to get away for the night, but let me tell you, it was sure nice coming home. Leaving the big city, feeling safer, having more space and less traffic. We've been talking lots lately about never wanting to move from our city. It's got everything we need, why would we want to; this trip just solidified those thoughts.