This morning when my eyes popped open, my first thought was going pee (it seems to be lately), then it was on to setting up Justin's present (cologne and body wash). I had decided a while ago with this one that the bathroom was the best place for it, and it was the first one I wrapped, so it was good to go. I hid it as I walked back into our bedroom and into the ensuite. Justin asked after I left the bathroom what that clicking noise was - of course I was taking pictures of it, but I acted innocent. He got up shortly after I got back to bed and went to the bathroom. I knew he had seen it, but when he opened the door he just started walking out. I pouted, then he smiled and picked up the box and brought it to bed to open.

Sometime this morning Justin went outside to put something into the garbage bin. He came back inside with a box of presents: for Brent, Sandy and the kids. My dad called around ten to make sure we had seen them, and I pretended for a second that I had no idea what he was talking about. Yeah, I try to trick people pretty unsuccessfully lately!

Santa's workshop got moved down to the basement; Justin wrapped the boys' gifts, and I wrapped Heather's and Brents. When I looked up once, the sight of Justin's wedding band was all I saw. I'm sure he thought the subject of my photo was him wrapping presents, but it's really his ring. Since he doesn't wear it all the time, its a pleasant sight that makes me smile when I see it!

As I was wrapping Brent's meat grinder, Lowie decided it was a perfect spot to hang out. I think he enjoys all the hiding spots this year: in a pile of presents, up against the wall behind the tree. He thinks he's being sneaky.

Our non-ornamented tree looks pretty with all the wrapped presents under it. Maybe next year we'll feel the need to set it up properly, but it's really nice to think that it will only take five minutes to undecorate the house on the first of January!

Justin knows me all too well. When he was out grocery shopping (I was getting ready), I asked him to buy me something to snack on. He brought me home sushi - I love him!

We drove out to Taber with my mum to enjoy the festivities my Dad's work puts on: deep fried shrimp and scallops, french fries, chicken wings and libations! My Dad was one of the cooks, and my mum and I were first in line after everything came out. The one time however, when fries came out of the deepfryer there was a bit of an accident; fries were flying off a styrofoam plate, my mum was doing this crazy dance trying to save them, I was laughing histarically - and despite her best efforts the whole batch fell on the ground.
After the shop, we went to Gerald and Terry's. It was really nice to walk into their always inviting house, but for the added element of a Christmas explosion! There was decorations everywhere. Okay, I do miss that after seeing the difference between our drab little tree, and holly jollyness everywhere! This was on the table, and was so pretty.

We rushed back home, gathered the gifts in Santa's sleigh (aka the Blazer), then headed out to the farm. We sat at the table for awhile BSing about my new phone, Dalton's new phone, everyone else's old phones and life. Then we were asked if we wanted to eat first, or open presents first. I'm pretty sure the smile on my face gave away what I wanted - we were ushered into the living room.
I'm not really too sure who started this (one of the boys), but suddenly there were "thumbs up" in a lot of photos. Brian even snuck into one with Justin to pop up his thumb.

I really like the details in this picture Justin took: my wedding rings, and the pearl bracelet that I wore as my "something new" for the wedding (I've never felt that the dress counted). And, as I told Gerald and Terry while at their house, it was Nicole's "something borrowed" for their Vegas wedding.

Since we had already opened our presents, it was time to have some dinner! Mashed potatoes, turkey, homemade bread, suffing - yes please!

We got back home pretty late, and because both of our cells were dead, we headed home since we weren't sure if my parents would still be up. My brother and I missed out on our traditions: watching Christmas movies (Home Alone, Home Alone Two, How The Grinch Stole Christmas the cartoon, Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer), watching old home movies of us opening Christmas presents, and playing Monopoly. Justin and I crashed hard, and went to sleep right after we got home. For as long as I can remember, my thoughts while falling asleep on Christmas Eve is always a re-count of presents that I knew I was getting; thought of presents I had seen being bought. With this new Secret Santa tradition, these thoughts have been eleminated, and I end up being completely surprised!