We went back to sleep, after setting my phone alarm - just in case. We woke up when the regular alarm went off at 7. Justin looked outside and noticed the amount of snow on the roof of the trailer. He was a bit worried about the weight on the roof, but let it go, reasoning it would melt soon. I said I didn't want to drive to work, and laid in bed while he showered, waiting for my turn. While Justin was in the shower, the power went off again. He said he lost water pressure too. We both wondered what would happen at work; both our jobs are at a stand still without power.
He phoned, and I texted people that were already at work. Neither place had power. We reasoned we'd both be sent home shortly after arriving at work. Justin dropped me off, and said he'd call when he knew what was happening at his work. He was there about ten minutes and called me. My boss had left, so I couldn't go until everyone went home (my job is a pivotal part of the company). We were all just waiting at work for another boss to say to go home. My boss came back a half hour later, with a generator. After realizing it wasn't going to help out too much, he hooked up the coffee maker to it. Eventually we were told to go home too, but to come back if power was back up and running, and Justin came back to take me home.
We were at home, without power, talking/texting on our cell phones. Finding who had power and who didn't. We decided to head out to my mums work; we showed up just in time, they were just told to go home and she hadn't driven. We dropper her off on the other side of town (a side that still had power) and went to a gas station to fill up the Blazer. When we got back to my parents house, mum had lunch ready to go for us. (Lipton's chicken noodle soup, baking soda biscuits and honey butter - it took me back to my childhood and was the perfect meal for such a yucky day)!
Now, six hours after the power went off, there's many rumors going around. Justin's boss had called a city worker, and was told power would be off 6-8 hours. My boss had heard 4-6 hours. The radio said workers from 6+ hours away are coming to help with the outage; apparently the power line coming into town is not working! At the gas station, a guy said he'd heard the estimation was 24 hours before power was back up and running. I guess we'll see as it happens.
What I'm thankful for: a full tank of gas in one vehicle, power at my parents house (where I'm writing this), and a fireplace that works at our house! Here's some pictures:
Hope everyone else is dry and warm out there!
(Edited To Add: We're back at home now, from what the clocks are telling us, our power came back at about the same time I wrote this post - over three and a half hours ago.)
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