Everyone really wished the weather would have been nicer. I made a frozen vodka slush that I thought would cool us off when we were sunbathing in our lawn chairs; that's not exactly how that picture ended up! Oh well, we did enjoy them, in our hoodies and jackets! (The cups are from our first trip to Las Vegas, they work really well for camping!)
For Grandpa Pearse's funeral, there was a slide show put together of his children, and grandchildren. Justin and I went to Walmart to print some photos off the card of him, and a couple of us. Well, trying to find a picture of him was a little difficult. I made him promise to not complain anymore when I make him smile for the camera - that's exactly the reason I take photos, scrapbook and document our life; for others to see what we did, what we looked like, and how we were. I did have to remind him of that when I tried to take this picture, but look how good it turned out! What is our camping trips without some yummy deep-fried food. We had deep fried turkey, french fries, and homemade onion rings.
Saturday afternoon, we got everything ready for the surprise birthday celebrations. There was a picnic shelter, that we decorated with a "Who's Got Birthday" banner (how my dad wrote it on a sign a couple years ago for my mum and I, and he's never going to live it down) and ballons, then ussured the 50 year olds, and have them sit down for the party to start. My dad and Thom were really
When Brittany and Kas were down last weekend, they talked about some skits that we were going to preform, little mockeries of my dad's and Thom's lives. Little memories of funny events that we all remember, that we talk about still, and always make us laugh. Kas was the only one that brought the script along, so Brittany was having me read the lines of "Steph," a female that had her car into my dad's shop, and she'd write them on a paper to use as her new script. After reading her a few lines, she asked if I wanted do that skit; she liked how I acted the part. So, I got promoted to a new part!
That skit was about Steph, a naive female that had her car in to be worked on. My dad was trying to be sly, and try and up-sell a whole bunch of services that were not needed, aren't real, and could never happen. (I'd like to say he never prays on women, he'd never do this because he's an honest man). For instance, the halogen fluid needed to be replaced in her headlights; the left side tires somehow got on the right side of the car, and vice versa; and while she was parked somewhere, the transmission disappeared, and she needed not just one, but two! What made it even funnier - the fact that I'm a parts technician, but I played the part pretty convincinly - you could say I have a lot of material to draw upon! The second skit was about a pile of funny moments that happened to the both of them: my mum betting Thom that he couldn't eat a whole one pound burger; my dad being afraid of a mouse, and my mum video taping the instance when he tried to open a cupboard to see if the mouse was inside; Thom killing a gopher on a campout two years ago in Drumheller (also the same campout that my appendix was removed); my dad making the "Who's Got Birthday" sign; my dad commenting that a certain potato looked like a seal (arr, arr, arr), a granade, and a perky lady; Thom warming his bum on the campfire, falling and forgetting the sequence of "Stop, Drop and Roll"; then they just sat around the fire, Thom saying how his garage was having to get moved in order to fit their new trailer in their yard, and my dad falling asleep, but Thom just telling the story just as if he was awake! Both my dad and Thom were laughing so hard they were crying from the skits! I think they were both actually surprised, so we'll call it a successful birthday celebration.
Then came present time. This moose sang a song, moved his mouth and wagged his ears along to the rhythm.
This hat came along with a bag of goodies for camping.
My mum got them both rubber oven mitts that have the index finger separate from the "mitt" part. Apparently 50 is not too old for horsing around. They both took the boxes and were hitting each other over the head with them.
Then just random goofiness.
Even with the weather not co-operating, we still had a fantastic time. Spending time with family can not be over-rated. It's when memories are made, giving more material for more skits!
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