Justin called me last night while I was still at work, and asked how happy I'd be if happy found the memorey card that has all of our honeymoon photos on it. Of course, I'd be exstatic, but I didn't beleive him. When he convinced me, I immediately started crying - I was SO happy - I honestly thought it was gone forever, and the five photos I printed off would be the only ones we'd have. I asked him where he found it, apparently I put it in "a satchel" and left it in the pantry. Yup - I don't think I ever would have looked there!
And, the night before Justin found $500 that had somehow been misplaced since before the wedding. We'd searched for so long, and finally gave up - deciding that the money must have gotten spent along the way. Then, when Justin was looking in my coat pockets for the memory card - he felt what he thought was a wad of reciepts. What he felt instead was a wad of cash! We were VERY happy to find the money.
Now, with having the task of finding the memory card officially crossed off the list, I finished up our thank-you cards. They are in the mail, and you should be getting one shortly! I'm so happy to have gotten these done before the two month mark (that was my goal)!

Of the 44 cards, I wrote all but one of them - I wanted Justin to at least write the one to his mum! I just really hope none of them get returned to us for insufficient postage - some of the buttons were really thick, and I'm a bit worried that might have made them need two stamps instead of just the one - hopefully it all works out!
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