I was invited out Friday night with Nicole. She had a friend that was in town that wanted to get together, and asked if I wanted to go out with them for the night. Not one to say no to dancing, drinking and a good time - I said yes and we went to Bos Hogs.

I found this sign hilarious. When Nicole and I ordered our second drink, I ordered two of the special shots. Made with cherry whisky and raspberry sour puss, they're a really good drink. Festive too, with the red colour - something I'll have to keep in mind for our next drink club meeting.

I was up requesting songs from the DJ: "Hey Baby Let's Go To Vegas" by Faith Hill, "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard and I think maybe some Journey "Don't Stop Believing," but I could be wrong; I do remember it playing, just not sure if it was my request! We danced a lot, got up on the bar (they don't serve drinks on this one - it's just meant for dancing), and had a good time.

I really enjoyed Nicole's friends, Catherine and Vicky. With the news out about Nicole and Corey getting married while we were in Vegas, she let her friends in on her new "Mrs" status. It threw both her friends for a loop when Nicole annouced it to them that night, which made us feel the need to celebrate even more (and the reason "Hey Baby Let's Go To Vegas" was requested). It's kind of funny to be classed into that "old married lady" category after it being only a few months. I remember someone saying, "and you're married too?"

Justin and Corey went to buy Justin's shirt for the Mexico ceremony. And Nicole and I asked numerous times which coloured shirt they bought (it turned out they both tried to trick us seperately). Apparently they can be trusted to make the right decision, we just need to be prepared for trickery!
Justin picked Nicole and I up at the bar since Corey had to work early Saturday morning, and we were in no shape to drive (or walk - and it was far too cold for another of those nights!). We dropped Nicole off at her house, then headed to McDonald's for some good 'ol chicken nuggets. I had them with my usual sweet and sour sauce, not wanting to stray to the seasonal dippers: cranberry or green apple. On our drive back home, there was a check stop. "Licence and registration please," Justin handed it over. "Where are you coming from tonight," and gave a quizical look when he was told McDonald's. Then Justin said he picked his wife and her friend up at the bar, dropped the friend off, now we're just headed home. I still find it funny to here "wife" come out of Justin's mouth, not sure when that will start to sound normal! One of the cards that made me cry from the wedding said:
the moment when you know you're married is not when you say "I Do." It's when you first say "My Husband," "My Wife," and suddenly you realize it's wonderfully true. I never would have understood how true that statement is until we started using these titles for one another.
Saturday morning I awoke to a cramp in my leg. When I realized that I'd be okay, I had a look around the room. Why am I downstairs? Why am I sleeping on the couch? I was a little confused. Justin said I had fallen asleep on the couch, and he could not wake me up, so he left me there (hey, I do the same thing to him). The only weird thing - I woke up on the opposite couch, not the one I had fallen asleep on!
We picked Nicole up to get her car Saturday morning. She had texted me the same thought I had a second to recieving her message: Booster Juice. It really does seem they are the answer to the inevitable headache that follows a night of drinking!

Justin and I decided to make the most of the day, and not lounge around the house. We went to the mall for a few gifts, booked the Mexico trip (March 5-12, 2011), went to Wholesale Sports where he fell in love with another gun, had lunch at BP's, and went to Sobey's to pick up desserts for my Christmas party that was in a few hours.

On our way home we stopped to get the mail. It was funny to see "Julie and Justin Keller" written on the envolopes - again, something that will take some time to get used to seeing. We got cards from Brittany and Sheldon, and Tanya.

When we got home we both had little naps, then it was time to get ready for the party. Now, this is the first Christmas party of the new social club. The new social club chair person is me. I (mostly by myself) organized this shin-dig. It came with a lot of stress; figuring out what to do, budgetting, getting ideas thrown at me. Basically, what I've learned is to go with my instincts: we didn't need dessert - hardly anybody ate it, and the DJ was really not needed - we could have just listened to the music that was played at the pub. All in all though, I think everyone had a good time.
For all of my previous Christmas parties, there's been a hystarical me, changing into everything I own, and nothing feeling/looking right. This year (thankfully) that didn't happen. I only tried on one other shirt before deciding that this top (it's actually a dress that has a tight band at the bottom - I simply flip it up to my waist and it makes itself into a top!) was what I wanted to wear.
I had a stomach ache and only had one drink, and one shot (it was my choice - and I chose my new favorite shot: cherry pussy. I do think if it was mixed with a little bit of cranberry juice, maybe a splash of orange juice, it could be a really good martini). I mostly drank water, which worked out well - Justin could drink, use my five remaining drink tickets, and I could drive us home safely. It is one of Justin's hunting buddies birthdays, so we went over to another buddies house to celebrate with them and watch the UFC fight. After the fight was over, I wasn't feeling any better and went home.
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