We haven't had waffles in such a long time, and I've been wanting them so badly. When Justin asked if I wanted some Saturday morning I got excited, then remembered we didn't have any flour - unless "did you remember to buy flour when you were grocery shopping?" Yes, so we feasted on waffles. I prefer mine with margarine and icing sugar; when the margarine melts with the icing sugar you pretty much have icing - just what everyone needs to start the day off with: a sugar rush! Justin's boring and just has the usual margarine and syrup, but now he adds a sprinkle of icing sugar.

Him and Lincoln went off hunting coyotes (and anything else that moves I imagine), so he was making himself a lunch. He looked pretty funny cutting up pickles and cheese in camo with his call around his neck!

I had a busy day planned for myself (which is why Justin decided to leave the house): got my hair trimmed, went to the mall for a little Christmas shopping, bought my parents lunch at Arbys, had a massage, went back to the mall for a look at my bridesmaid dress, and did a little bit of secretive-ness!
While I was at the mall the first time, I bought our 2010 Christmas ornament. In 2006 I was on a training course in Calgary with a guy from my work, we finished the class early and ended up shopping at the mall before coming home. He stopped at one of the card stores and picked up an ornament for his tree that had the date on it; since it was buy one get one 50% off, he asked me to pick one out and we'd split the bill. Since his wife and him have been together they've bought a new decoration each year. That got my mojo going, and I immediately started the tradtion also. Since Justin and I had started going out in 2005 it made me a little disappointed that I didn't have an ornament from the first year. But while shopping at London Drugs one Chrstmas, I found at TY 2005 holiday bear; my collection would be complete! Now every year I venture out to get a new decoration. This one was an obvious choice!

I made another couple Christmas cards. Now only ten more to make. I really enjoy making all the cards different and unique, which also makes it more of a challenge!

This morning Justin was off to High River with Dave to look at a big job at Cargill Foods. It's one that he's in charge of, and is going to be working at a lot in January (he'll be up there at one point for nine days straight). I took the opportunity to get some things done around the house: I searched the house for things to throw out, and ended up with a full garbage bag; did a lot of laundry (my mountain is starting to look a lot more like a hill now); cleaned the bathrooms; and made three more cards.

When Justin got home, we went over to my parents to draw names for secret santa. I decided we needed a new budget, you know - inflation! So we went through the process of writing down what we thought was an acceptable amount. We ended up averaging out, and our budget is $117.60. Then it was time to draw names. Last year was the first time we've attempted this, and someone drew their own name - which is against the rules and we had to re-draw. This year we only drew names once. Just like last year, Justin wanted to know who's name I had drawn and was digging in my pockets to try and get my peice of paper. I enjoy the secrecy, and do not tell anyone (well, maybe Amanda!) who's name I got.

These numbers have something to do with what I've got up my sleeve. I cannot wait until the 13th to get this plan underway!

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