Since Justin is out of town working this weekend, I decided to start making my December daily album. I was inspired yesterday by Liz's, and decided I needed more supplies; I was off for the scrapbooking store right after work. I bought more of the Dear Lizzy collection, and some other items that I felt would work okay with it.
When I got home, I shoveled the sidewalk. On the one side, our neighbours are simply the best; they always shovel in front of our house for us! It was just light fluffy snow, and a broom would have worked better than the shovel.
Justin being out of town means one thing: sushi! It seems I always eat it Friday night when he's away. Most of the time I order WAY too much from O-Sho's, and end up eating it all, then feeling completely stuffed. My new option is one platter from Superstore, and not only is this route friendlier to my waistline, it's nicer on my wallet too!
While I was at Scrapbookers, Chelsey called and asked if we wanted to get together. We've been planning to do this for a week now: last Friday I was busy and she had hurt her neck while twisting on the ice to avoid falling down. Just because Justin's out of town doesn't mean the rest of us can't get together - we decided to go to Boston Pizza. (Josh was there and is in this picture, but got cut off with the poladroid.)
Chelsey gave us her and Josh's handmade Christmas card.
Lincoln ordered cactus chips, and told us all to dig in. Okay, these things don't look spicy, but they are crazy spicy. And not in a way that the spicy chicken bits are (those things make you crave their heat!). I had just a couple, and knew I couldn't handle anymore than that.
Our drinks lined up in a pretty row - mine, Chelsey's and Amanda's. The martini's were the special, mine was a margarita martini (I love tequilla and will be in heaven in Mexico). I only had one and I'm very happy for that.
Okay, so when your friends all order something to eat (originally it was just going out for drinks, but then it turned into only me having eaten), and you love food, you decide you will also order something to eat. I was going to have dessert, then thought better of it (I really haven't been craving sweets lately at all) and ordered potato skins - with sour cream. I hadn't actually looked at the menu, heard Amanda thinking about getting them, so I go them too. As I was eating them, I looked at her and asked if she knew they came with chicken - she had read the menu and did know. Not too sure if I'd order them again there: too different from regular skins; they come with BBQ sauce on them and are drizzled with ceaser dressing and sour cream has to be requested!
After our meal, we just sat around and BS'd. It was nice to have spent my Friday night with friends! Our pour waitress must have wondered what was up since we sat there for about an hour talking after supper was done. After dreadfully getting gas (it is my biggest pet peeve, and on more than one occasion I have convinced the guys at work to pump it for me!), I took Mayor Magrath home. In front of Gas King on the North side, there was a firetruck and ambulance in front of the appartment building. After the light turned green, and I got to the other side of the gas station, I saw about five cop cars all with their lights on. At first I thought it was some kind of big accident (the roads are pretty slippery with the new snow), then I realized it was a checkstop.
Since we went through one last Friday on Scenic, I was getting ready while in the lineup. I pulled out my registration and drivers licence, and thought about what I was going to say (the last time I was the driver going through a check stop I only had my learners, and my parents and Grandma were all with me - and I was freaking out, but had people there to talk me through it); I knew I was not intoxicated from my cocktail, but knew it wasn't the best answer to say I had been drinking. "How are you tonight, have you had anything to drink tonight?" Yes, I had a drink a couple hours ago, with supper; whether or not it was the "right" thing to say - it was the truth, and when a police officer is staring you in the eye, you fell intimidated. He did look at me a little bit more than I think he normally would have and asked if where I had come from and if I had liquour in the vehicle. He checked my plate and sent me on my way. I think if I had been chewing gum, or if he had any incling that I had been drinking and I told him otherwise, (even though it was only one drink awhile ago), I think he would have made me pull over. There were many cars on the side, a tow truck hooking up to one, and taxis ready and waiting - very glad none of that was me!When I arrived home, there was another sprinkling of the white fluffy stuff. While I was shoveling for the second time, I realized how loud the scraping of the shovel on the cement was and decided since it was quarter to eleven, and my neighbours might have to work in the morning, I had better quit. Then I came inside, and started scrapbooking, working on my December daily album with all my new goodies!
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