This post could also be titled: "Dancing With Burnt Legs," "The Night We Met Bachelor Todd," "The Art Of Getting Drinks Bought For You," or "Note To Self - Take More Pictures!" Let's get at it, shall we?
Justin and I started tanning on the 15th (the day after Valentine's Day), to have a good base for Mexico so we don't burn up. We've been going almost every day, with a few days off to let our bodies rest a bit. Friday night Justin decided it would be a good idea to go in the stand up/full body machine first and then take a run through just the leg machine. Good idea in theory, but in actuality - I ended up with burnt legs! While out for supper, I didn't notice it too much, but afterwards at Blockbuster I wondered why my butt felt like it was on fire! Soon I realized what had happened; when we got home and I changed into pajama pants - my legs were beet red! I had Justin put anti-itch/anti-hurt lotion on my legs a couple times that night.
This made getting dressed for Nicole's bachlorette party a bit of a challenge! I couldn't wear really tight jeans because they rubbed on my legs too much. I ended up wearing one of my new shirts I bought at Ross while in Kalispell. I bought the shirt intending not to wear it until Mexico, but I've been wanting to wear it so badly, it was determined that since tonights festivities were related to Mexico, it would be alright. Oh - and while I was doing my hair (I curled it all), I burnt the inside of my wrist on the iron (maybe this is why I don't get "dolled up" too often - so many things can go wrong with my clumsy self!).

Amanda and I (along with Lincoln and Justin) had a discussion one night as to what we should do for Nicole's bachlorette. We ended up deciding on a late supper, drinks and dancing afterwards; no games and a gift certificate for a langerie store so she could pick something out that she really liked/wanted. All great ideas. When we got the phone numbers from Nicole (for some of her friends), and then Amanda called, then I talked to Megan and asked if anyone was coming - it seemed like it wasn't enough notice for some of Nicole's friends. Wanting to make the best of things, Amanda, Chelsey and I all went out (and the bride-to-be/bride-already Nicole was also there).
We went to Moxie's at eight for supper and some drinks. When Nicole ordered a Mexican Bulldog - I wanted one too. I've been wanting one of these from the moment I heard about them - my two favorites in one cup! (It's a margarita with a small sized Corona dumped into it upside down. This is my new favorite drink!) We ordered yummy food (my left-overs were a good snack once Justin and I were winding down in bed shortly after midnight) and enjoyed ourselves.

When Nicole saw the size of the Corona bottle in her Mexican Bulldog, she wanted to keep it, so she wiped it off as best she could, and put it into her purse. Then, in the bathroom stall she found a driver's license and added that to her "goody bag." While at the casino earlier in the day Nicole had one $50, and when she found these goodies, she declared it was her lucky day!

When it's Chelsey and I - there is always a bathroom photo! And Moxie's was a much better pee-spot/photo-opp than the bar was going to be!

When we arrived at Essie's, it was ladies night! There was a draw that we filled out ballots for (they did a draw every half an hour). While we were filling out the ballots, this guy comes up to us with a Sharpie in his hand. It's his bachlor party, and his friends are making him wear a shirt and having girls sign it. This was too much fun, and a really good idea!

After getting drinks and sitting down at a table, Bachelor Todd and his friends asked if we'd dance with them. Nobody seemed too excited about this idea - but I said yes, and rangled the troops. Nicole looks less than thrilled - but I promise she did have a good time!

While we were dancing, Nicole's name was announced over the intercome. We wondered what was up (completely forgetting about the contest), but when she came back with a hat and a $50 gift certificate for the mall - we understood that she had one!

Apparently this is where I stopped taking photos! There was a lot of me kicking Bachlor Todd's butt - his shirt said to! Then once, after getting off the dance floor, he snuck up to me and kicked me in the butt; I told him I deserved that, and I half expected it after I started kicking him. There was this Matt guy that randomly sat down with us. After some chit-chat (it was obvious he thought he was going home with one of us - HA!), he wanted to get some celebratory shots for us to do. I went to the shooter bar with him, declaring that I only had five dollars, and that wasn't going to buy a round of shots. He pulled out his twenty, and we got five peach schnapps/raspberry sour puss shots. (This was after a discussion I had with my mum yesterday about getting guys to buy drinks while out at the bar. See - it does happen!) We went back to the table, had the shots and Nicole and I went back up dancing. When we came back, our friend Matt had thankfully gone back to his friends table. I wrote a fake phone number on Bachelor Todd's shirt (a combination of my parent's number and my cell phone), walked around the bar a bit and decided to call it a night.
We did drive past Bos Hogs to see if there was a line, but it looked too busy to get back out into the cold and wind again. Justin called while Chelsey, Amanda and I were heading back to the house, and we met up with them for a quick horn honk at Wendy's. We made it back to the house, the Kurtz's and Sipko's headed home, and Justin and I headed for bed. A fantastic night - can't wait to do it again when more of Nicole's friends can make it out to celebrate!