Thursday night Corey talked to Justin about getting a turkey to deep-fry. They had a discussion about size, amount of oil and the meal. When Justin asked where they were going to do it, he said if they needed more space they could do it at our house. That worked out well, more space for people and more space outside to do the deep-frying. So the Sipko's were called and the date was set for Friday night.
There was a quick phone call to the deep-fried turkey hotline (aka my dad), to find out if oil and lard could mix (they can) and we were ready to rock. Despite how could it was outside (about minus twenty), it cooked pretty fast. After it was cooked they moved onto the french fries, and dinner was done! (If you've never had deep-fried turkey before, you've GOT to give it a try - I can give you the phone number to the hot-line if you need!)

We retreated to the basement after stuffing ourselves and watched Fubar 2. Well, some of us watched it, some of us curled up by the fireplace and had a nap! But the parts I saw were pretty funny.
Saturday morning I threw in a load of laundry. I always leave the laundry basket downstairs for Lowie, since I know how much he likes sitting in it. Justin then put the blanket over top - creating a jail. After a few minutes when I couldn't take it anymore, I went and flipped the blanket over, allowing Lowie to escape. He hopped out shortly afterwards, then found his way in between the basket and blanket. It was like he was in a little cat-tent!

Brittany and Gloria came down for the long-weekend to stay in Taber, and I was excited to get to see them. Once I determined that my stomach was going to be okay enough to go out for the day, I got ready then made the drive. (My stomach has been acting up since Thursday - and no, I'm not pregnant!)

This weekend was planned as an early surprise birthday party for my aunt. Amber and Brittany had decorated Amber's house, and after lunch at Gerald and Terry's, we headed over for the celebration. Once Gloria got up the stairs from the landing, she noticed the birthday banners and balloons and was surprised that we had surprised her. It was determined that the rest of the afternoon was all about her: a massage in Amber and Mike's fancy chair, presents, a manicure by Amber and drinks.

While Gloria was relaxing in the chair getting massaged, Brittany got on making the weekends Drink Club Drink. It was really yummy, with Crystal Light and ruby red grapefruit juice with a choice of vodka or spiced rum (or virgin). It's funny, now that I have a blog: Brittany grabbed my camera to take a picture of the drink, "this is for your blog." And at lunch, my mum said "I know what you're going to blog about next." I love it!

Amber and Mike have a family of chihuahua's. They have the mother, father, and from separate litters a son and daughter. That's four dogs! Farley is my favorite (except I can never remember his name: Harley, Hurley). He's got a lot of pomeranian in him from his dad Kush (you can see him in the background in this photo). I really wanted to take Farley home, and when he curled up on my coat I think it meant he wanted to come home with me.

After Gloria's massage, it was present opening time. I love that she gets really excited about presents; the grin never left her face!

Once the manicure was done, we headed back over to Gerald and Terry's for supper. Then dessert came out - a triffle that Amber and Brittany had created Friday night. Then talk turned to where to get triffle bowls for cheap (Walmart has sales on sometimes for $9.99). Soon it was determined that along with Drink Club, we need to start a family Trifle Club! So now, after everyone has their own bowl, each time we get together we'll take turns making a triffle! We determined there was endless possibilities: banana with banana pudding, raspberry and chocolate pudding, lemon pudding with a citrus fruit - just to name a few!

My stomach started hurting really badly, and I was going to drive myself home but my mum thought it would be better if I ride with them. I finally decided it was a better idea, so my mum came with me, and my dad left a little bit later in their van. Justin wasn't home when my mum and I arrived at the house. He spent his morning cleaning up Hewie for Lincoln's purchase, then he was out with Dave, Jamie and Tomo (work buddies) to watch Rumble In The Cage (you were right Amber!). After my parents left, I curled up in bed with Lowie, was texting Justin and tried to stay up to wait for him, but I ended up falling asleep. When Justin got home shortly after midnight, something must have woken me up first, because I was awake when he walked into the bedroom which he was surprised about. I told him I had just woke up, then quickly went back to sleep. I really hope my stomach stops hurting like this soon - I can't take much more interuptions with my life!
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