It started off by me waking up while Justin was in the shower. I lept out of bed, made it, then got back ontop of the covers and laid there in a ball waiting for Justin to come out of the shower. He knew what I was up to though (surprised? No, he's getting more clever!), and peaked around to see my face - eyes wide open, and a big grin on my face. He started singing to me, then asked if I felt older (I'm a year and a half older than he is - he told me so), and asked if I felt any smarter!
At about 10:20 this morning, my package arrived at work from Brittany and Sheldon. (DHL had left a notice at home on Monday, and I called to have it re-routed to work.) I was originally going to open it tonight, but thought it would be nice to have a little treat in the morning. I started to think that whatever was in there would make me cry, so when Mike (my boss) went outside for a smoke I took the opportunity. I set my camera up, and got to work opening it up. When I cut into it, I cut the wrapping paper. I had not been expecting it to be a wrapped present, and that surprised reaction is in the first photo.

Now, let me explain my gift. I am afraid of gnomes. At the wedding, someone (although I do think it is from the Nixon/Powell household), wrapped up a gnome and gave it to us, no card or explaination. Needless to say I screamed and cried. While we were gone for our honeymoon, I left the gnome on the front steps in hopes that someone would give him a more loving home than the one I could provide for him. When we got home, it took me a few days to realize he was gone. A couple weeks before Brittany and Sheldon came down for Nicole and Corey's wedding reception, it occured to me that they could have taken it (they were in Taber for Corn Fest, and dropped off a disc of pictures from the wedding) while we were away honeymooning. Then, when they were leaving our house on Sunday (after the Pearse's reception), there was Mr. Gnome, sitting proudly on the front steps! Aurgh.
And, my fear of gnomes started earlier than that. My uncles ex-wife painted up some gnomes that were left at my parents rental house (I was renting the basement), and placed them up against one of the windows; the part of this story that makes it worse is they had fake "blood" dripping off their "fangs." Yea, I was not too impressed. Now that you understand the fear, take a look at what Brittany and Sheldon sent me:
It really is a great present! And I cried and laughed when I realized what it was!
When I got home, Justin came straight up from the basement and greeted me at the door. I wanted to change out of my work pants, so I went upstairs and started getting ready. He followed me up with the little bag that was on the counter (I saw it, but I like to play hard to get!), and put it on the bed in front of me. I opened up the card, and he wrote "I hope you have a good birthdaty even if you are an old bugger." Yeah, he'll always rub it in!
Then we headed over to my parents place for supper (When I told my mum about not eating out this month - although I was okay with it for my birthday - she suggested she could make supper for us; she slaved away for a few hours and made sweet and sour pork with green peppers, onions and pineapple. Very yummy.), and cake.

Then it was time to open up their cards and presents. Bradley made me a disc of video from my ninth birthday. That's pretty darn cool to be able to show that to Justin my young self, so he can understand more of my craziness! I sat and thought for awhile with the card and disc in my hand for a bit, trying to decide which birthday that was; it's one in Ignace in the basement (before it was finished) with a bunch of friends from school. Plus there's some video from the spring and summer from that year, 1994. I can't wait to watch it. My dad and mum had separate cards to give me; my dad's cards always make me smile, they are a gift that I charish so much. Earlier in the week, I found one from Christmas that I re-read, which in turn made me cry. I called him just to tell him I love him - he's the best! Then I opened my present, a bath mat that goes on the bottom of the tub that shoots streams of air up - basically it gives you a jet bath! (I knew I was getting this, but they surprised me with a frame for my journeyman ticket - which my mum keeps asking me if I actually got. Thankfully Justin was there this time when she asked, and he backed me up - I was starting to question my memory!)

And because of my lack of eating out this month, I had the best cake that I've had in a really long time (probably since the last time I ate one that my mum made). Doing these little goals, or challenges almost, lets me really appreciate the simpler things in life. Going to my parents for supper and cake felt like I was young again, it was a perfect birthday!